Promote the temple to get more people blessed by “Om Sakthi”
Our Vision
Pursuing Excellence on Om Sakthi Service across the Globe
Being hold on core values of Om Sakthi as a community to grow positively
We thrive to emphasize the best service to devotees
AswapuramOm Sakthi!
Om Shakti is the almighty power who governs the universe and bless the humankind to live a long and healthy life! The Aswapuram Om Sakthi temple situated in Siddhuni Peetam is a place of happiness and blesings. The dharma performed in the temple will help to increase the health of Ayushshu to meet your karmic burden. Do services until your mind becomes soft, tender and pure mind due to services. Bhakti increases only if there is duty, obedience, norm, truth and dharma.